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Purchase Books by Kedarji

Books by Kedarji That Elucidate the Approach of Nityananda Shaktipat Yoga

Buy Sacred Texts of the Siddha Lineage

Purchase Purchase Sacred Texts filled with the Wisdom of the Siddhas of Our Lineage

Pictures of Kedarji for Your Puja

Purchase pictures of Kedarji that emit a powerful Blessing of Shakti.

Japa Malas, Earrings, Bracelets and Shawls

Bring out the best of your Bliss with sacred wearables.

Chanting CDs and MP3s

Happiness is a quiet mind. Discover the Bliss of the Self through Kirtan Chanting with these excellent chants on CD and MP3 downloads. See selections.

Mini Course MP3 Downloads

MP3s of Mini Courses taught by Sadguru Kedarji and staff.

Video On Demand Home Study Course Offering